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Protect Gardens & Landscaping
from Lounging, Invasive Dogs


  • Keep dogs from relieving themselves in unwanted areas such as lawns & planted areas, curbside grass and plants

  • Stops dogs digging near fences, shrubs, lawns and flower beds

  • Works in ANY Season ... regardless of climate or temperature

  • Won't wash off in normal rainfall ...long lasting

  • Environmentally Safe when used properly - won't harm animals, people or plants 

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Scram for Dogs™ is specially formulated to Naturally repel dogs from treated areas. EPIC's unique all-natural, biodegradable formula releases an odor strong to dogs and has proven to successfully Repel and Train dogs from entering or digging in treated areas. Scram for Dogs™ is safe around pets of your own, animals, children & plants - and is a low cost solution to protect your property.


When family dogs can run free throughout a yard they often can cause unsightly damage. Digging can destroy beds & landscaping. Urine spots and other messes can make even large yards unpleasant to use for children and other family members. Even where leash laws are in effect, your curbside, lawn and decorative plantings can be soiled and even ruined by dogs on leashes doing their business or marking their territory.


Scram for Dogs™ can protect your lawn and curbside from unwanted brown spots and other messes. Train your dog to stop digging in the wrong places. Teach your pet to use designated areas for relieving themselves, and avoid areas reserved for your family and favorite plants. Stop dogs on leashes from doing their business on your property!

SCRAM FOR DOGS is a trademark of EPIC All Natural Granular Repellents. © 2022 Art, Logos are copyrighted & subject to company use. 

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